Agasti Vesuvius Module Segregation

In moving forward with pushing out a 1.0 release of Agasti, we have gone through a module cleanup cycle (as illustrated below). Old modules which have not been updated in over a year and a half have become deprecated. This means they have been removed from the Agasti trunk repository and placed in an abandoned branch. The reason for this is simply that they have not been maintained. To better explain this, many are full of their own security vulnerabilities, spew out loads of PHP notices and warnings, or simply never really evolved past a “0.1 state”. This places the onus on new members (or existing members) of the Sahana community to step forward and claim ownership of these modules if they are to be re-added to the main development trunk. Claiming ownership of a module is not just stating that you own a module, but seeing to it that the code gets throughly tested, updated regularly, and should be free of all bugs, vulnerabilities, and usability problems.

Additionally, several 3rd party libraries associated with the deprecated modules have also been removed (many contained vulnerabilities themselves) as well as some internal framework libraries associated with no modules at all (most seemed to be bits and pieces of code that people dropped off and never finished). Overall, this lends itself to a much cleaner and lightweight framework free of any vulnerabilities and easily expansible by members of the community if they choose to do so. Brining back an old module could be considered a very low hanging fruit to a developer.

Vesuvius :
admin ~ Administration
cam ~ RAP Module Plugin for WebCam Pictures (development)
dap ~ Delete A Person
eap ~ Edit A Person
em ~ Event Manager
ha ~ Hospital Administration
inw ~ Interactive Notfication Wall (search)
lpf ~ Lost Person Finder (class library)
mm ~ Module Manager
mpr ~ Missing Person Registry
mpres ~ MPR Email Service
pls ~ People Locator (web) Services
pop ~ Outbound Email Manager
pref ~ User Preferences
rap ~ Report A Person
reg ~ Device Registration Manager
rez ~ Resource Pages
snap ~ Databaste Snapshot Module
tp ~ TriagePic Module
ws ~ Web Services
xst ~ XML Streaming Module

Vesuvius-Deprectaed :
amp ~ Aggregator Mashup Portal
bsm ~ Biosurveillance
cap ~ CAP Aggregator
cr ~ Shelter Registry
cms ~ Camp Management System
dsm ~ Disaster Surveillance Module
dvr ~ Disaster Victim Registry
gps ~ Interface
hr ~ Housing Registry
ims ~ Inventory Management
itag ~ Image Tagger
ms ~ MapServer Configuration
msg ~ Messaging/Alerting Module
or ~ Organization Registry
pnm ~ Press and Media
pr ~ Person Registry
pre ~ Disaster Preparedness
rms ~ Request/Aid Management
rs ~ Reporting System
sm ~ Situation Awareness
sr ~ Situation Reporting
sync ~ Synchronization
theme ~ Customize Theme
vm ~ Volunteer Management
vol ~ Volunteer Coordination

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